Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So whatever radio station they play at the Y thinks it's cool to play Billy Joel, Katy Perry, Softcell, and Shania Twain in the same hour, as well as Brittney Spears' "Toxic", so it's not really a surprise that they don't see a problem with playing our song at least twice a day too.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Feet Went Camping in France

here Chris

the inspiration:

these are my feet

Bar sur Loup


Colle de St Michel

Bourg d'Oisans


the river in Lanslebourg

Bourg St Maurice

outside Fontainebleau

our last campsite, outside Paris

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oh Snap

Oh snap.  Literally.

Due to copyright laws and all that wonderful jazz, I can't just grab the video and throw it into here.  But we are allowed to follow the link:


(Can we blame the embargo?)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Letters from Liztowne

So LT sent me a postcard. She's on an incredible bike riding adventure in France, and this is what she had to say:

"We did this climb awhile ago, and I guess it's a big deal because of the Tour de France, but I feel like we've had harder ones. Can we start our business in the Alps? I love the mountains. On the border of France - Germany? Or I could compromise with Switzerland. I'll have my goat farm and we can grow some food too and sell that and goat cheese and baked goods and our own wine and beer and live happily ever after in our pv fam house (haus?) with our fat cat Fred. Can't wait. When you get this it'll be our birthday month! I'm calling you the second I land on American soil. I miss you! I wish I could write you 50 times a day still, but I'll be able to in 3 weeks! Love, Elizabeth, Liztown(e), EJ, LT..."

At least she's planning out our lives for us :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012


In preparation for the day that we have our sports complex where we teach swimming, pole vaulting, and gymnastics, I have been named head gymnastics coach at the Beloit YMCA. Since a number of us have coached swim teams and been named head pole vault coach, we are officially qualified for our future business endeavor.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pole Vaulting on the beach in Nice

Apparently they were promoting some big track meet in Monaco for athletes going to London. The best guy cleared 5.21m, I think. It was in French

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our Future

Liztowne is out camping/biking in France so we decided to give this a pv fam related purpose. We have this plan to re-locate to France, so that LT and I can make a living baking delicious breads. Since we didn't want to be so far from everyone else, we decided Chris and Betsy can have their winery/brewery next door. Matt Floyd is submitting a resume for manager of this delicious establishment. We still need a delivery boy...how fun would it be to have a charming bicyclist deliver freshly baked bread to all the town? Poetzl, you game?

The one problem is that I'm the only one who speaks French. We'll work around that I guess.